TÜBİTAK-Research Institute for Fundamental Sciences (TBAE) Inspiring Online Seminars
18 October 2022 | 13:27

It is very unfortunate that the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak still continues in the world. In order to mitigate the negative impacts of this situation on scientific thoughts, TBAE organizes inspiring Online Seminar Series for national and international audiences in various branches of fundamental science as well as interdisciplinary areas.

As part of the Chemical Sciences Seminar Series of TBAE, Prof. Dr. Maksym V. Kovalenko from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) will give a talk entitled “Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals and Their Superfluorescent Superlattices”.

The talk will be held on October 27 2022, 19:00 – 20:00 (GMT +3) via Zoom platform.

Note: The Zoom link information will be sent only to applicants.

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